Kansas Geography, History, Culture and Flag


Kansas is a prairie state located in the Midwestern United States. It is bordered by Nebraska to the north, Missouri to the east, Oklahoma to the south and Colorado to the west. Kansas has an area of 82,278 square miles, making it the 15th largest state in terms of size. The majority of its land is a vast expanse of plains and prairies with rolling hills and some rugged mountains in the western part of the state. The eastern part consists mostly of flat plains and lowlands. The highest point in Kansas is Mount Sunflower at 4,041 feet above sea level located near the western border with Colorado. Kansas has numerous rivers including the Arkansas River, Missouri River, Big Blue River and Republican River. There are also many lakes such as Cheney Reservoir and Clinton Lake. Agriculture has been a major industry in Kansas for centuries due to its fertile soil and temperate climate. Cattle ranching is also popular in this region as well as crop production including wheat, corn, sorghum and sunflowers. There are also several large cities located throughout Kansas including Wichita, Topeka and Lawrence which contribute to its economy through various industries such as aerospace manufacturing and oil production. Overall, Kansas offers a unique landscape that combines both natural beauty with modern development that make it an attractive place for both locals and visitors alike! Check relationshipsplus for climate in Overland Park, Kansas.


Kansas was first explored by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century, but it was not until the 19th century that American settlers began to explore and settle the area. The Santa Fe Trail, a major trade route of the time, ran through what is now Kansas, connecting Missouri to New Mexico. In 1854, the Kansas-Nebraska Act opened up the area for settlement and allowed citizens to decide if they wanted their state to be free or slave. This led to violent skirmishes between abolitionists and pro-slavery advocates in what came to be known as “Bleeding Kansas”. The American Civil War further divided the state between Union-supporting eastern cities and Confederate-supporting western cities. After the war ended in 1865, Kansas was officially admitted as a free state into the United States of America.

The next few decades saw rapid growth for Kansas as settlers flocked from all over America in search of economic opportunity. Railroads were built across much of the state during this period as well, providing easy access for farmers and ranchers alike. By 1890, Kansas had become one of America’s leading producers of wheat and corn due largely to its fertile soil and ideal climate conditions.

In more recent history, Kansas has seen an influx of immigrants from all over the world who have come seeking new opportunities or fleeing wars in their homelands. This has made it one of the most ethnically diverse states in America today with a population that includes African Americans, Latinos, Asians and Native Americans among many others. Additionally, a number of major corporations have set up shop in Kansas over recent years due to its central location within the United States and its highly educated workforce.


Kansas is known as the Sunflower State and it has a unique culture that has been shaped by the area’s diverse geography. The state is divided into two distinct regions, eastern and western, with each having its own distinct culture. In the east, there is a more rural feel to the state with farms and small towns dotting the landscape. Here, people are more likely to be involved in traditional activities like hunting or fishing. The western part of Kansas is much more urbanized, with larger cities like Wichita and Topeka being major hubs for business and industry. This region also has a strong artistic presence, with many theaters, music venues, and art galleries located throughout the area. Kansas also has a strong Native American presence which can be seen in some of its cultural events such as powwows or rodeos. Sports are also popular in Kansas with the University of Kansas having one of the most successful basketball programs in recent years. No matter where you go in Kansas you will find people that take pride in their heritage and have an appreciation for their unique culture.

State Flag

The state flag of Kansas was adopted on March 21, 1927. It consists of a dark blue field with the sunflower, the state flower, in the center. The sunflower is yellow with a deep brown center. Above the sunflower is a red and white striped bar that symbolizes the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. The words “KANSAS” and “AD ASTRA PER ASPERA” are written in gold letters above and below the bar respectively. The phrase “Ad Astra Per Aspera” translates to “To the Stars Through Difficulties” and serves as an official motto for Kansas. It is meant to represent Kansas’ struggles to become a state as well as its ambition to reach greater heights. Additionally, a green wreath encircles the entire flag symbolizing hope for eternal life through nature’s renewal. Lastly, on both sides of the flag are 34 stars representing that Kansas was admitted into statehood as the 34th state in 1861. The colors used on this flag have symbolic meaning too; blue stands for loyalty, truthfulness and constancy; yellow stands for joy and happiness; white stands for purity; red stands for courage and strength; green stands for hope and immortality.

Kansas Flag