Top 10 Countries With the Most Islands

An island is any part of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water. Very small islands like emerging land featuring over atolls can be called islets, reefs, coral reefs. In this selection they are highlighted the 10 countries with more islands of the world. There is a great debate about which countries really are at the top of the selection. In other times, many islands were land of disputes, wars and battles. Some of these countries are not yet certain about the number of islands present. Source:


These islands lie in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean and have 6 main islands. There are around 900 other volcanic islands that are scattered and more than 300 of them are uninhabited.


In the middle of the Indian Ocean are specifications of this paradise, also known as Maldives. These coral islands make up an archipelago of almost 1200 islands. They are displayed in 2 rows of atolls and occupy 90,000 square feet. The Maldives are eighth in this selection, out of the 10 countries with the most islands in the world.


Together, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have an impressive number of islands in more than 6,200. Most of these islands are part of Scotland and many are large enough to actually be distinguished on a map. There is no consistent system of administrative or geographical demarcation across the UK. Each province of the United Kingdom has its own arrangements, whose origins often precede the formation of the United Kingdom.


Although I do not know exactly how many islands are present in Brazil, the IBGE estimates that there are around 6,800 islands off the coast of Brazil, in oceanic and maritime waters. If you consider the islands of rivers and lakes, this number can triple. The freshwater islands are small and may appear or disappear in the flood and dry seasons of the rivers. See the largest islands in Brazil .

6. JAPAN – 7,000 ISLANDS

Although not a tropical getaway, Japan hosts almost 7,000 islands. All unique and beautiful in its own way, the archipelago of Japan is an interesting set of islands to visit. There are 4 main islands, and only 430 islands are inhabited. About 73% of Japan is forest, hilly and unsuitable for agricultural, industrial or residential use. Japan is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The islands of Japan are located in a volcanic zone on the Ring of Fire of the Pacific, being Japan sixth position in this selection, of the 10 countries with more islands of the world.


Another magnificent archipelago of thousands of sky slices floating on the blue ocean water is the set of islands called the Philippines. With some of the world’s most beautiful islands, such as Palawan, the Philippines shelters more than 7,000 islands. There is plenty of beach for everyone to enjoy.


Australia boasts some of the world’s most beautiful and unique islands, including the world’s whitest sandy beaches on Hyams Beach and the world’s largest sand island, Fraser Island. In total, there are more than 8,000 islands across the country.


Indonesia is a bit clearer in its numbers. There are over 17,500 islands creating this magical tropical archipelago. More than 6,000 of them are uninhabited and only around 8,800 were actually named. This amazing island getaway will keep the visitor busy for a while.

2. CANADA – 30,000 ISLANDS

There are an estimated 30,000 islands off the eastern coast of Georgian Bay and most scattered off the coast of mainland Canada. It is not really surprising considering the size of the country and the number of “laggards” who break into the sea. Considering the large size, the exact number of islands is not known. Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II being the head of state. The country is officially bilingual at the federal level. It is one of the most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations in the world, the product of large-scale immigration from many other countries. Its advanced economy is the eleventh largest in the world, relying mainly on its abundant natural resources and well-developed international trade networks. Canada’s complex and long-term relationship with the United States has had a significant impact on its economy and culture.


There are several numbers seen for Finland. How many islands are there? It could be considered more than 100,000 islands. Which is a ridiculous number considering the size of the country. There are many lakes and rivers that meander through and around the country that “help” create these islands and there are plenty of tiny tiny islands that are counted as well. The real number? We have seen numbers that determine that there are 180,000 islands! Much of Finland’s geography is explained by the Ice Age. The glaciers were thicker and lasted longer in Fenoscandia compared to the rest of Europe. Its erosion effects left the Finnish landscape mostly flat with few hills and fewer mountains. Its highest point, the Halti is 1,324 meters, is found at the northern end of Lapland, on the border between Finland and Norway. The highest mountain whose peak is entirely in Finland is Ridnitsohkka of 1316 meters, directly adjacent to the Halti.
