Nasal Noils

A nasal furuncle not only disturbs the facial aesthetics, depending on its size and maturity, it can also be extremely painful. Appropriate and timely treatment usually leads to quick and uncomplicated healing.

Nasal Noils

What is a nasal furuncle?

A nasal furuncle usually results from an inflammation of the hair follicles on the tip of the nose or the entrance to the nose. Hair follicles are part of the hair roots and are also called hair follicles. If such a hair follicle becomes inflamed, it is called folliculitis. See photionary for Keratosis Pilaris 101.

The bridge of the nose, the bridge of the nose and the upper lip can also be affected by a nasal follicle. A central pus plug is surrounded by a red, painful, and hard swelling that can be a few centimeters in size.


A purulent inflammation of the hair follicles is usually triggered by staphylococci, but other bacteria or even fungi can also act as pathogens.

Through minimal injuries to the skin, the pathogens can penetrate into deeper tissues, where they cause inflammation. Scratching or squeezing can aggravate minor inflammation and spread to surrounding tissue. If the tissue in the center of the inflammation suppurates and liquefies, a nasal furuncle develops.

If several adjacent hair follicles become inflamed, this is called a carbuncle. People with an immune deficiency such as diabetes mellitus, an immune deficiency, an HIV infection or other chronic infections have an increased risk of furuncle formation.

Symptoms, Ailments & Signs

A nasal furuncle is an inflamed lump in the nose. The growth can appear in the nose or on the nose, depending on the underlying cause. Typically, a boil does not cause any major symptoms. However, those affected feel slight pain and a feeling of pressure in the affected area.

The boil and the surrounding region feel hot and are very red. A nasal furuncle can reach a size of a few millimeters to two centimeters. The growth grows as the disease progresses and fills with pus. Eventually, after a few days, the boil opens and the fluid drains out.

If the wound is not adequately treated afterwards, a furuncle can form again. There is also a risk of serious infection. Accompanying the local symptoms, a nasal furuncle is accompanied by fever symptoms such as increased body temperature and exhaustion.

The sufferers feel exhausted and are less efficient. In the case of small growths, there are no accompanying symptoms. The furuncle then often regresses without perforation occurring. Only in isolated cases does the proliferation cause serious complications such as superinfection or sepsis.

Diagnosis & History

A nasal furuncle is easily recognized by the red, swollen, and painful region of the nose. The affected area is also extremely sensitive to pressure and tenses.

Pain worsens when talking or chewing. It all starts with a small red pustule with a hair in the middle. The pustule can grow into a boil. Fever and a general feeling of illness may accompany the disease. The doctor may perform an endoscopy, i.e. he examines the inside of the nose with an endoscope.

Serious, sometimes life-threatening complications can arise when the inflammation spreads along the veins towards the eyes and finally to the brain. This can cause a blood clot to form in the veins of the brain. The intracranial pressure increases, which can lead to headaches, nausea, vomiting, signs of paralysis, impaired consciousness and seizures. In the worst case, a thrombosis in the cerebral veins leads to a stroke. An ultrasound scan may be performed to rule out thrombosis.

Furthermore, a spread of pus pathogens to the brain can lead to meningitis or phlebitis. Another potential complication is blood poisoning, if the bacteria enter the bloodstream. The lymph vessels can also become inflamed and painfully swollen.


A nasal furuncle is an irritation of the nasal mucosa, which can lead to redness and inflammation. Of course, various complications are possible with a nasal furuncle, which may even need to be examined by an appropriate doctor. If a boil in the nose is not treated by a doctor, serious complications are inevitable.

In most cases, there is a lot of itching, so constant scratching can even cause an open wound. If an open wound has already occurred, then there is an acute risk of inflammation. This complication requires extreme caution, because under certain circumstances pus can form. If pus is visible on the open wound, then a visit to the doctor should not be put off.

If there is no treatment, it can lead to blood poisoning in the worst case. Such blood poisoning is associated with considerable complications, so that in the worst case it can even lead to death. With appropriate medication, the above-mentioned complications can be avoided at an early stage. It is therefore advisable to see a doctor in good time.

When should you go to the doctor?

Normally, no doctor is needed for a nasal furuncle. The skin change is perceived as unpleasant, but heals on its own within a few days. If no further complications occur, a doctor’s visit is not necessary. Reddening of the skin and slight swelling are part of the natural course of the disease. If the furuncle opens up on its own within a few days and then heals quickly, there is no worrying condition. If the symptoms increase or severely restrict the affected person, medical advice should be sought.

You should also consult a doctor if you have an increased body temperature, exhaustion, tiredness or a sensory disorder. If light touch is perceived as unpleasant or if the discomfort occurs in a resting position, this indicates a health impairment that must be diagnosed and treated. An unusual taste in the mouth, persistent formation of pus, or trouble breathing should be reported to a doctor. In severe cases, without medical care, the person affected is at risk of blood poisoning and thus a potential threat to his life.

Treatment & Therapy

Many nasal boils heal on their own after a few days and do not require treatment. More stubborn nasal furuncles are treated with antibiotics that fight the bacterial pathogen.

The active ingredient is administered as an ointment, in tablet form or, in severe cases, as an infusion. At the same time, the nose and upper lip must be kept as still as possible. The patient should therefore speak as little as possible or not at all and also not chew, which is why only pulpy food may be eaten for a certain time.

Cooling compresses containing alcohol will reduce the swelling. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can also be administered. If necessary, the hair at the entrance to the nose is trimmed. Alternative treatment methods are germ-inhibiting herbal or zinc-containing ointments, as well as homeopathic remedies to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the self-healing powers. The nasal furuncle should never be touched or even scratched and squeezed, otherwise the bacteria can spread in the tissue.

If the nasal furuncle is very large or if there are complications, inpatient treatment in the hospital is required. Surgical intervention may be necessary. The nasal furuncle is cut open so that the pus can drain out. Blood-thinning medications prevent blood clots from forming. To prevent the pathogens from reaching the brain, the facial vein at the inner corner of the eye can be temporarily blocked.

Outlook & Forecast

A nasal furuncle heals quickly with timely treatment. Large boils sometimes leave a small, indented scar. Rarely does the inflammation spread and cause complications. In particular, if the immune system is weak, there is a risk of a major infection and subsequent problems such as inflammation of the lymph nodes or inflammation of the lymphatic system. Sepsis can also develop as a result of a nasal furuncle.

Furuncles on the face can cause inflammation of the eye sockets or meningitis. In principle, however, the prognosis is that the furuncle will heal quickly. The patient is usually symptom-free after a few weeks, insofar as he takes the prescribed medication and properly cares for the furuncle. Then the boil opens and the contents come out. The inflammation then subsides and the symptoms subside.

Squeezing or squeezing the boil increases the risk of infection and scarring. A nasal furuncle that heals poorly often develops into furunculosis, chronic furuncles that can permanently damage the skin and nerves and cause scars. The quality of life is only temporarily restricted by a nasal furuncle. A boil that heals normally has no long-term effects on well-being.


The first measure to prevent nasal furuncles is good hygiene. Especially those who are prone to pimples should change bed linen and towels regularly. If you suffer from diabetes, you should always ensure that your blood sugar level is well adjusted to prevent nasal furuncles. After shaving your face, it is advisable to disinfect it with aftershave or facial tonic, for example.


Once the nasal furuncle has healed, follow-up care becomes important. These must be coordinated with the treating doctor in order not to provoke a renewed outbreak of the disease or cause other symptoms. First of all, it is important to successfully complete the healing process and to strengthen the weakened immune system. A diet rich in vitamins is helpful here, as is support for the intestinal flora after antibiotic therapy.

In the area of ​​the healed furuncle, ointments can help to avoid or reduce the formation of unsightly scars. Aftercare also includes rethinking the hygiene of the face and nose and changing it if necessary in order to prevent nasal furuncles in the future. Ideally, patients avoid touching their face unnecessarily, especially if their hands are not freshly washed.

Because such behavior allows pathogens to get to the nose and can cause a new boil. Men in particular need to adjust their hygiene after shaving. Aftershaves with alcohol disinfect the skin and prevent infections. In the case of a complicated nasal furuncle, follow-up care also includes making check-up appointments with the doctor and ruling out infections in the brain.

Examinations of the blood values ​​a few weeks after the nasal furuncle has healed can be useful for this purpose. As soon as the first signs of a new furuncle appear, patients seek immediate medical attention.

You can do that yourself

Regular rinsing of the nose with chamomile can alleviate the symptoms of nasal furuncles. In addition, inhalation with chamomile blossoms or nettle is recommended. Depending on the strength and intensity of the existing symptoms, both measures can be taken several times a day. At the same time, they prevent crusting of the nasal secretions and promote breathing. A jar with freshly chopped onions and garlic can be placed in the immediate vicinity of the victim. A few deep breaths of the vegetables have a healing effect.

Cleaning the nose should be done carefully and regularly. You should avoid exerting too much pressure when blowing it out, so that there is no further damage to the vessels or nasal walls. At the same time, drawing up nasal secretions should be avoided. Staying in a dusty environment or in air enriched with pollutants is not recommended. They promote the supply of the smallest particles into the nose, which can trigger a deterioration in the state of health.

In order to avoid dehydration of the mucous membranes, the consumption of sufficient liquid is necessary. Compresses that are placed on the bridge of the nose are also helpful. The compresses can be soaked in healing earth, chamomile or nettle tea and applied several times a day for several minutes. A few drops of tea tree oil can be added to support the effect.