Lymphangiosa Carcinomatosa

Lymphangiosa carcinomatosa is the metastasis of cancer cells via the lymphatic system. From a clinical point of view, the pulmonary form of the phenomenon is considered to be the most relevant variant. At this stage, the cancer is usually no longer considered curable.

Lymphangiosa Carcinomatosa

What is carcinomatous lymphangiosa?

According to Ezhoushan, the collective term cancer covers a wide variety of new malignant tissue formations. In contrast to benign neoplasms, malignant tumor forms spread at high speed and are characterized by rapid growth due to high cell division rates. Malignant cancer cells invade healthy tissue, destroying organs and other tissues.

Just after diseases of the cardiovascular system, malignant cancers are the most common cause of death. Malignant tumor cells can spread along a wide variety of body tissues. Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa is a spread of cancer along the lymphatic system.

The phenomenon usually occurs in the skin. In some cancers, however, the phenomenon is also observed in organs such as the lungs. Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa itself is only the symptom. The overarching primary disease is cancer of various kinds.


Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa can be caused by various types of cancer. The phenomenon occurs in the context of metastasis. In this case, daughter tumors of a primary tumor settle in distant tissues. The prerequisite for any metastasis is the invasive nature of the cancer, i.e. breaking through tissue and reaching systems such as the lymphatic and blood vessels.

Even small tumors of certain malignancy can metastasize. Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa is ultimately a symptom of invasive malignant tumors, which form secondary tumors with their cells after infiltration of the lymphatic vessels in another part of the body. The form of pulmonary lymphangiosis carcinomatosa plays a clinical role.

This is a lung metastasis in which the malignant cells reach the lungs via the lymphatic system. The primary cause of these metastases can be breast cancer, for example. However, tumors such as prostate carcinoma, bronchial carcinoma or pancreatic carcinoma can spread to the lungs via the lymphatic system.

Symptoms, Ailments & Signs

The symptoms of patients with lymphangiosis carcinomatosa depend on the context, especially on the colonized organ. For the pulmonary form, shortness of breath in the sense of dyspnea is the main symptom. A restrictive ventilation disorder arises from lung colonization. All forms of lymphangiosis carcinomatosis can also lead to swelling of the lymphatic system or hardening of the lymph nodes.

Such symptoms are in and of themselves relatively unspecific and merely indicate the activity of the immune system, as is also the case with infections. Fatigue, fatigue and reduced physical performance are also non-specific symptoms that can be present in many other diseases.

Basically, lymphangiosis cacinomatosa often leads to a so-called lymphatic congestion. The outflow of the lymph is therefore no longer guaranteed by the infiltration. This often creates a build-up of fluid in the lymphatic system. As a rule, this phenomenon is painless and manifests itself exclusively in the form of swelling.

Diagnosis & course of disease

The time of diagnosis plays a crucial role for malignant cancer. It is not for nothing that cancer screening has been extensively recommended in the recent past. As long as cancer is localized, there are better chances of recovery. As soon as lamphangiosis cacinomatosa has occurred, the chances of recovery deteriorate.

In principle, this applies to every metastasis. The clinical picture of lamphangiosis carcinomatosa is characterized by reddish or blue, relatively extensive infiltration. Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa affects either the skin or organs and tissues such as the lungs. The diagnosis is usually made radiologically by the doctor.

Microscopic invasions of lymph capillaries can be diagnosed by examining a resection specimen. The TNM classification plays an important role in diagnostics. In the case of malignant tumor diseases, prognoses are usually given in ten-year survival rates.


As a rule, lymphangiosa carcinomatosa leads to the death of the patient. The exact life expectancy cannot usually be predicted. In most cases, however, no further treatment can take place, so that the life expectancy of those affected is significantly reduced by this disease. Those affected primarily suffer from severe tiredness and exhaustion.

The resilience of those affected is significantly reduced by the cancer, so that physically strenuous activities are usually no longer possible. However, the further course of the lymphangiosa carcinomatosa also depends very much on the tumor, which is responsible for the metastases. Shortness of breath can also occur, which can significantly reduce the quality of life.

Unfortunately, a causal treatment of lymphangiosa carcinomatosa is not possible. In many cases, those affected and their families need psychological treatment if they suffer from depression or other mental disorders. The individual complaints and symptoms can be limited in many cases. However, a complete cure is not possible.

When should you go to the doctor?

Lymphangiosa carcinomatosa is a serious disease development that must be diagnosed and treated immediately. Cancer patients who experience swelling of the lymph nodes, shortness of breath, or fatigue, without these symptoms being due to side effects of the treatment or to the actual disease, should inform the doctor. The doctor can quickly identify a lymphangiosa carcinomatosa and take the necessary steps. Since the cancer can usually no longer be cured when lymphangiosa carcinomatosa occurs, further therapy focuses on symptomatic treatment.

This is supported by therapeutic measures. Affected patients must be closely monitored, as the medication must be regularly adjusted to the rapidly progressing cancer at this stage. The diagnosis of lymphangiosa carcinomatosa is usually made by the responsible internist or general practitioner. The doctor will recommend psychological care to the patient in connection with the diagnosis. In the last stages of the disease, palliative medical measures must be taken to enable the patient to have a symptom-free period.

Treatment & Therapy

The treatment of lymphangiosis carcinomatosis depends on the circumstances. The pulmonary form of the phenomenon should be discussed here as an example. Basically, all treatment steps for the therapy of a lymphangiosis carcinomatosa are oriented towards the individual symptoms. Treatment usually focuses on alleviating the symptoms and thus improving the quality of life.

At this stage, causal treatment is usually no longer successful. In the case of the pulmonary form, the lack of air in particular is therefore treated symptomatically. Higher doses of glucocorticoids such as cortisone are used for this purpose. In addition, loop diuretics are available for the symptomatic treatment of air shortages.

The latter drugs primarily drain the lungs. In addition, theophylline is sometimes used in individual cases. At the same time, the administration of cytostatics is usually applied to the primary tumor disease in order to achieve an improvement in the symptoms. Although the disease is no longer considered curable at this stage, it can be delayed to gain valuable time.

In addition, previously unexplained “miracles” have been reported in connection with end-stage tumor diseases. In order to improve the patient’s quality of life, ideally he should not let the unfavorable prognosis discourage him from living. Supportive psychotherapy can help to improve the psychological situation of those affected.

Outlook & Forecast

Lymphangiosa carcinomatosa has an extremely unfavorable prognosis. It is a cancer in the area of ​​the lymph, which at this stage cannot be cured with the current medical possibilities. Metastases have formed in the organism, which, despite all efforts, will no longer lead to the patient’s recovery. At this stage of the cancer, the focus of treatment is on improving quality of life and relieving symptoms.

The progression of the disease should be delayed as long as possible in one treatment. The functional disorders of the organism are monitored and treated with the available options. Without medical care, the disease will progress more quickly and lead to numerous symptoms. In particular, pain occurs that is almost unbearable for the person concerned. Due to the very poor prognosis, the disease is a heavy burden for the patient and their relatives.

In most cases, states of emotional overstrain are to be expected immediately after the diagnosis is made. An increase in complaints is to be expected, since the psychological situation inevitably affects the physical condition. In addition, psychological sequelae can develop, which contribute to a further deterioration in the overall situation of the patient.


Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa can be prevented to a certain extent. Numerous prevention measures and early detection measures for cancer are now available. In addition, many causative factors of cancer are now established.

The exogenous causal factors can be banished from one’s own life through targeted preventive measures. However, since cancer also has endogenous causal factors, cancer can still occur. However, early detection examinations often detect such a condition before lymphangiosis carcinomatosa has occurred.


Lymphangiosa carcinomatosa can lead to many complications and various complaints for those affected, all of which can have a very negative effect on the quality of life and everyday life of the person affected. Therefore, the patient should consult a doctor as soon as the first symptoms and signs of the disease appear in order to prevent the symptoms from getting worse.

However, at this stage, the cancer can usually no longer be completely cured, so that the only option is to delay its spread. Most of those affected suffer from severe breathing difficulties, resulting in shortness of breath. Most of those affected are also very tired and exhausted and therefore no longer actively participate in everyday life.

The quality of life of those affected is significantly reduced by the lymphangiosa carcinomatosa. In many cases, the disease also leads to severe psychological upsets or depression, with the parents or relatives of those affected being particularly affected by these upsets. Lymphangiosa carcinomatosa ultimately leads to the death of the affected person, so that the life expectancy of the patient is significantly reduced by this disease.

You can do that yourself

In the stage of a lymphangiosa carcinomatosa, there are only limited options for self-help as far as the prognosis of the disease is concerned. A cure is no longer possible. However, intensive symptomatic therapies can contribute to prolonging life. However, the patient himself has a greater influence on his quality of life during the illness or for its prophylaxis.

Because lymphangiosa carcinomatosa is a complication of breast cancer and various other cancers, cancer screening can play an essential role in preventing the disease. There are a number of ways you can help yourself, especially when it comes to preventing breast cancer. Medical societies recommend women to do breast self-examination for early detection of cancer. The self-examination should be carried out five to seven days after the onset of menstrual bleeding or shortly after it has ended. Participation in an early detection program from the age of 30 is also recommended.

If there are any noticeable changes in and on the breast, specialist treatment centers for breast diseases should be consulted as soon as possible. In this way, either lymphangiosa carcinomatosa can be ruled out or, after early diagnosis, the 5-year survival rate can be increased by rapid initiation of treatment. But even in the context of lymphangiosa carcinomatosa, the affected patient can still contribute to a better quality of life through their own initiative. Among other things, those affected can improve their psychological situation by taking advantage of supportive psychotherapy.