Health Insurance for Studying in the Czech Republic

Who would like to get sick while studying abroad in the Czech Republic? Especially if it’s just a semester abroad? Unfortunately, cases of illness can never be ruled out. In fact, it is rather unlikely that you will never have to see a doctor yourself while studying human or dental medicine in the Czech Republic for several years. It is all the more important to protect yourself in advance for an emergency. So what about health insurance for studying in the Czech Republic?

According to globalsciencellc, the Czech health system is largely similar to the German one. It is a contribution-financed compulsory insurance system. The Czechs have access to extensive and nationwide medical care, which you can also fall back on in the event of illness. This is uncomplicated for EU citizens, as they benefit from the social security agreement of the EU states.

European Health Insurance Card

During your studies in the Czech Republic you can take advantage of all medical services (such as visits to the doctor, hospitalization, medication) that are covered by the statutory health insurance companies under Czech insurance law. Your German health insurance will then pay for the costs. As in Germany, those who have private health insurance must first pay the bill themselves and then have the money reimbursed by their health insurance company.

Before treatment, you need your European Health Insurance Card / European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) (usually the back of your German insurance card) and possibly your identity card / passport show. Your data will be transferred to the Czech claim form and you have to confirm that you did not enter the Czech Republic because of the treatment.

Medical services that are covered by statutory health insurance in the Czech Republic:

  • (Specialized) medical treatment
  • Hospital treatment
  • dialysis
  • Checkups
  • Simple basic dental care
  • Medicines on prescription (with prescription fee)

Reliable health insurance in the Czech Republic

Before starting your studies, you should definitely get in touch with your statutory health insurance company in order to receive individual advice on health insurance for your studies in the Czech Republic. If you are a citizen of the EU, the insurance coverage of your health insurance company in Germany also applies to the period of your studies in the Czech Republic. Incidentally, this is not only the case with short-term studies, such as a semester abroad, but also with a complete Bachelor, Masteror medical school. Because when studying abroad, it is generally assumed that the center of your life will continue to be in Germany and that you are only temporarily in the Czech Republic due to your studies. Anyone who works alongside their studies should inform their statutory health insurance in Germany and the responsible social insurance agency in the Czech Republic.

Health Insurance for Studying in the Czech Republic

The EHIC does not necessarily cover all medical expenses that may arise, such as

  • a possibly necessary return transport to Germany
  • Co-payments customary in the Czech Republic
  • Treatment by private doctors / hospitals who do not have a contract with the statutory Czech health insurance.

Both the Foreign Office and the German joint health insurance abroad (DVKA) strongly recommend an additional private medical insurance to complete.