Cultural Characteristics in New Zealand Part II

Optimism and can do mentality

A positive outlook on life is widespread in New Zealand. With this general confidence, any problem, no matter how big, appears to be solvable. For this reason, many New Zealanders are reluctant to directly decline a request or idea. Instead, the search for a suitable, albeit short-term, solution begins.

The origin of this activism may be found in the geography of the country. Some of the people lived in inaccessible areas and were always responsible for themselves or dependent on the help of neighbors. So it was a necessity to take action yourself in the event of difficulties.

This Can Do mentality promotes innovative and solution-oriented work that is constantly advancing New Zealand society. There’s a myth that New Zealanders could have any problem with a No. 8 Loosen the wire. This attitude resulted in some practical inventions such as earthquake shock absorbers, electric fences or the electronic fuel pump.

Solidarity and individualistic

Another striking feature of New Zealand culture is the solidarity and helpfulness of the people. Support in all respects is often a matter of course, especially for newcomers to the country. For this reason, many state institutions, for example in the education sector, are excellently developed to support the residents of New Zealand equally. At universities in New Zealand, a country located in Oceania according to transporthint, students benefit from the extensive range of services and an active campus life.

At the same time, the solidarity-based aid is accompanied by the expectation that everyone will contribute as best they can and make their contribution to society. At the university this means that many people are committed to their fellow students or the region.

This individualistic attitude can be found in many Anglo-Saxon countries. Class structures were frowned upon early on by the egalitarian British immigrants. Instead, New Zealand took on a pioneering role in some ways. Women’s suffrage, the welfare state or trade unions were established here early on. A cooperating cooperation even then was considered useful and effective. Therefore, although there is a social safety net in New Zealand, everyone is ultimately responsible for themselves and their nuclear families.

Universal and open

Globalization and immigration have always been central to New Zealand society. Auckland is considered the largest Polynesian city in the world due to the high Polynesian population.

The coexistence of the different cultures in New Zealand naturally also harbors a certain potential for conflict. To counteract these problems, a respectful and open approach to other cultures and perspectives has been part of everyday life in New Zealand for several decades. In addition, a fundamental openness towards individual needs developed in order to treat all people equally in the sense of universalism.

Cultural diversity and openness can be seen in all areas. Official languages ​​are, for example, English, Māori and Sign Language (NZSL). At the predominantly barrier-free universities, the services on offer address the various needs of students. The permeable study system also enables excellent training regardless of origin.

The Māori culture and their traditions occupy a special place. Places and streets in New Zealand usually have an English and Maori name. Maori teaching and learning can be found at the three state Wānanga and New Zealand universities usually provide information in Māori. There are also numerous courses and some degree programs that deal with the culture of the Māori.

Given this striving for equal opportunities, it is not surprising that New Zealand is considered to be one of the least corrupt countries in the world.

Flat hierarchies and handling of status symbols

In New Zealand, cultural or social origins play a minor role. Deeds and personal accomplishments are more important than specific evidence or certificates. Similar to the American way of life in the USA, people always see options to achieve all of their goals with enough willingness to work.

Flat hierarchies are common both at universities and in later working life. This means that both superiors and lecturers can be contacted at any time and are also happy to use their first names. Communication and information exchange in a direct and informal way is important in order to work together constructively and in a solution-oriented manner. Companies value the expertise of individuals and teams. Students already practice this way of working at universities through group work or practical projects.

Status symbols have little place in New Zealand culture. Wealth and social status are not particularly emphasized as this is quickly seen as bragging rights. In the work environment, the style of clothing is casual and domestic helpers or nannies are more the exception.

This togetherness at eye level also includes a good work-life balance. Many New Zealanders work to live and happily grant their desires to enjoy life.

Cultural Characteristics in New Zealand Part II